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Program @ GREENSTYLE +++ (Responsible) Fashion Summit +++

With the GREENSTYLE +++ (RESPONSIBLE) FASHION SUMMIT +++ we are pushing the topic of “sustainable fashion”, giving GREENSTYLE brands the visibility that is urgently needed and providing society with concrete support for responsible behavior. Because now is the time to act. ***The most panels are in german *** Watch out for the UK flag.

As of March 16, 2021. Subject to changes. The final schedule and times will follow promptly.

***Day #1 – 8.4.2021*** 4 pm to 8:30 pm

08.04.21 4:00 pm

GREENSTYLE +++ (Responsible) Fashion Summit +++

Opening words: Mirjam Smend | Founder GREENSTYLE munich

08.04.21 4:00 pm

08.04.21 4:05 pm

My fancy piece was loved before

Secondhand is the fastest growing branch of the fashion industry. Numbers, facts and tips: How and where can I get rid of my things most sensibly?

Moderation: Mirjam Smend
Robin Balser | Founder VinoKilo, Alexandra Drissner | Country Manager Sellpy 

08.04.21 4:05 pm

08.04.21 4:30 pm

Sharing is Caring oder My Wardrobe is your Wardrobe.

Speed pitching: Renting out clothes as a sustainable alternative to buying new ones.

Three smart sharing platforms introduce themselves: Carmen Jenny and Sonja Wunderlich from CLOTHESfriends (in studio), Janina Hoffmann and Melina Heinze from NRNY, Jasmin Huber from WeDress Collective

08.04.21 4:30 pm

08.04.21 5:05 pm

Less is more: Rent your Capsule Wardrobe

5 parts 30 looks? Go. Individual, multifunctional and well-organized capsule wardrobes that protect the environment and enliven the wardrobe.

Moderation: Susanne Barta and Mirjam Smend | GREENSTYLE munich
Guest: Nicola Henseler | Fairnica

Plus: Live styling event: trend scout Alexandra Dietl styles the GREENSTYLE x Fairnica capsule “Pauline” with trend pieces and answers your styling questions (apply here soon)

08.04.21 5:05 pm

08.04.21 5:25 pm

It’s Time for (Fashion) Revolution

It’s all about Rights, Relationships and Revolution. Act now! Meet the Fashion Revolution Country Coordinators from all around Europe.


08.04.21 5:25 pm

08.04.21 5:40 pm

202030 – every action counts

Sustainable insights and inspiration of 202030 Berlin Fashion Summit

Keynote: Magdalena Schaffrin | Co-Founderin 202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit, studio MM04

08.04.21 5:40 pm

08.04.21 5:50 pm

Changing fashion together

Why we have to stand up for textile workers around the world. Examples of successful campaigns and opportunities for specific support

Insight: Aika Fischbeck | press spokeswoman Femnet e.V.

08.04.21 5:50 pm

08.04.21 6:20 pm

Supply chain act? * by OEKO-TEX

The Supply Chain Act – End of Exploitation or Toothless Tiger? About personal responsibility, transparency and state regulation

Moderation: Kay Alexander Plonka
Guests: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Showdirector NEONYT, Messe Frankfurt, Georg Dieners | Secretary General OEKO-TEX

08.04.21 6:20 pm

08.04.21 7:05 pm

Business concepts of the future.

Innovative business concepts in the areas of – design – sales – digitization and examples from practice

Keynote: Sabinna Rachimova (Founder & CEO SABINNA)

08.04.21 7:05 pm

08.04.21 7:35 pm

Press the Button *by Green Button

The Green Button seal of approval as an opportunity for companies and consumers. State standards for the textile industry: what has happened, what has to come? We take stock

Moderation: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Neonyt, Messe Frankfurt
Guests: Andri Stocker | Phyne, Ulrich Plein | Green Button

08.04.21 7:35 pm

08.04.21 8:10 pm

Women Empowerment & #MeToo *by Tchibo

Insights in workplaces / textile factories – the methods Tchibo uses to improve the situation of local seamstresses and what we women (and men) in Germany can learn from them.
Keynote: Nanda Bergstein | Director Corporate Responsibility Tchibo
08.04.21 8:10 pm

08.04.21 8:35 pm

Closing Words

08.04.21 8:35 pm

08.04.21 8:40 pm

„Shop your own Wardrobe“

The most sustainable garment is what we already own.

Video-Inspiration by Stefan Lindemann aka Doctor Fashion

08.04.21 8:40 pm

08.04.21 9:00 pm

End of day: Meet & Greet @Salon GREEN(style)

Hop over to @clubhouse to meet hosts, partners, participants and all other Game Changers

08.04.21 9:00 pm

***Day #2 – 9.4.2021*** 4 pm to 8 pm

09.04.21 4:00 pm

Welcome to Day 2: GREENSTYLE +++ (Responsible) Fashion Summit +++

Opening words: Mirjam Smend | Founder GREENSTYLE munich

Learnings from day 1 and Insights of day 2

09.04.21 4:00 pm

09.04.21 4:05 pm

Eco on the High Street? *by Neonyt

What role do eco brands play in the market today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

Moderation: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Showdirector NEONYT, Messe Frankfurt
Guests: Pelin Semen | Ludwig Beck and Felix Mey | LangerChen

09.04.21 4:05 pm

09.04.21 4:35 pm

Germany, fashion country?

Wage dumping and mass production vs. innovation and sustainability – the status report on Europe’s second largest fashion location

Keynote: Scott Lipinski | Fashion Council Germany

09.04.21 4:35 pm

09.04.21 4:50 pm

The Future of Fashion goes Frankfurt

Digitization and sustainability as main topics of Frankfurt Fashion Week in July 2021. Pssst: Say “hi” to GREENSTYLE @ Frankfurt Fashion Week

Keynote: Olaf Schmidt | Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt

09.04.21 4:50 pm

09.04.21 5:05 pm

How to make a Difference

Treedom founder Federico Garcea talking about change, real trees and your chance to let the GREENSTYLE forest.  wachsen zu lassen. Participate here and win trees!

Keynote: Federico Garcea | founder Treedom

09.04.21 5:05 pm

09.04.21 5:20 pm

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if we don’t change. How can we outsmart ourselves and break out of habits and behavior patterns?

Moderation: Susanne Barta
Guest: Prof. Kurt Kotrschal

09.04.21 5:20 pm

09.04.21 5:35 pm

Better Work. Better Business. *by Wildling Shoes

Rethink organizational and work culture. What is the new world of work and how can we learn it?

Moderation: Lisa Jaspers | Founder Folkdays and Autorin “Starting a Revolution”
Guest: Anna Yona | Founder Wildling Shoes

09.04.21 5:35 pm

09.04.21 5:55 pm

Designing with identity.

The intersection of fashion x culture. 

Moderation: Kim Gerlach
Guests: Buki Akomolafe | Buki Akomolafe, Isa Konga | Yoga Konga, Bahhareh Karimi | IMAIMA

09.04.21 5:55 pm

09.04.21 6:35 pm

How to fix the Planet

Why is everyone mad for mending?
And why is it so important?

Keynote by Kate Sekules | Author “MEND! A Refashioning Manual and Manifesto”

Make an appointment at Dr. Mend’s surgery for your sick or injured garment. Register for workshop „Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery”. Registration >>>

09.04.21 6:35 pm

09.04.21 6:45 pm

URBAN Outdoor – the new hype

The pandemic as an outdoor booster: Everything about new fashion, natural materials and their sustainability factor.

Moderation: Kim Scholze | Chief Sustainable Community Manager Sympatex
Guests: Miriam van der Ham | mvdham, Claudia Hofmann | Claudia Hofmann Studio

09.04.21 6:45 pm

09.04.21 7:20 pm

Back to Nature: Hello, Hemp!

How the forgotten resource hemp conquers the fashion stage. Two experts on their concepts.

Moderation: Susanne Barta
Guests: Christine Ladstätter | Salewa, Barbara Trenti | Bad Seeds Company

09.04.21 7:20 pm

09.04.21 7:40 pm

Closing Words

See you soon. Save the Date for GREENSTYLE @ Frankfurt Fashion Week: 9.-11.7.21

09.04.21 7:40 pm

10.04.21 4:00 pm

Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery

WORKSHOP by Kate Sekules | Author “MEND! A Refashioning Manual and Manifesto”

Make an appointment at Dr. Mend’s surgery for your sick or injured garment. Register for workshop „Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery”. Registration >>>

10.04.21 4:00 pm