As of March 16, 2021. Subject to changes. The final schedule and times will follow promptly.
***Day #1 – 8.4.2021*** 4 pm to 8:30 pm
08.04.21 4:00 pm
GREENSTYLE +++ (Responsible) Fashion Summit +++
Opening words: Mirjam Smend | Founder GREENSTYLE munich

08.04.21 4:05 pm
My fancy piece was loved before
Secondhand is the fastest growing branch of the fashion industry. Numbers, facts and tips: How and where can I get rid of my things most sensibly?
Moderation: Mirjam Smend
Guests: Robin Balser | Founder VinoKilo, Alexandra Drissner | Country Manager Sellpy
08.04.21 4:30 pm
Sharing is Caring oder My Wardrobe is your Wardrobe.
Speed pitching: Renting out clothes as a sustainable alternative to buying new ones.
Three smart sharing platforms introduce themselves: Carmen Jenny and Sonja Wunderlich from CLOTHESfriends (in studio), Janina Hoffmann and Melina Heinze from NRNY, Jasmin Huber from WeDress Collective
08.04.21 5:05 pm
Less is more: Rent your Capsule Wardrobe
5 parts 30 looks? Go. Individual, multifunctional and well-organized capsule wardrobes that protect the environment and enliven the wardrobe.
Moderation: Susanne Barta and Mirjam Smend | GREENSTYLE munich
Guest: Nicola Henseler | Fairnica
Plus: Live styling event: trend scout Alexandra Dietl styles the GREENSTYLE x Fairnica capsule “Pauline” with trend pieces and answers your styling questions (apply here soon)

08.04.21 5:25 pm
It’s Time for (Fashion) Revolution
It’s all about Rights, Relationships and Revolution. Act now! Meet the Fashion Revolution Country Coordinators from all around Europe.
08.04.21 5:40 pm
202030 – every action counts
Sustainable insights and inspiration of 202030 Berlin Fashion Summit
Keynote: Magdalena Schaffrin | Co-Founderin 202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit, studio MM04
08.04.21 5:50 pm
Changing fashion together
Why we have to stand up for textile workers around the world. Examples of successful campaigns and opportunities for specific support .
Insight: Aika Fischbeck | press spokeswoman Femnet e.V.

08.04.21 6:20 pm
Supply chain act? * by OEKO-TEX
The Supply Chain Act – End of Exploitation or Toothless Tiger? About personal responsibility, transparency and state regulation
Moderation: Kay Alexander Plonka
Guests: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Showdirector NEONYT, Messe Frankfurt, Georg Dieners | Secretary General OEKO-TEX
08.04.21 7:05 pm
Business concepts of the future.
Innovative business concepts in the areas of – design – sales – digitization and examples from practice
Keynote: Sabinna Rachimova (Founder & CEO SABINNA)
08.04.21 7:35 pm
Press the Button *by Green Button
The Green Button seal of approval as an opportunity for companies and consumers. State standards for the textile industry: what has happened, what has to come? We take stock
Moderation: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Neonyt, Messe Frankfurt
Guests: Andri Stocker | Phyne, Ulrich Plein | Green Button
08.04.21 8:10 pm
Women Empowerment & #MeToo *by Tchibo
08.04.21 8:40 pm
„Shop your own Wardrobe“
The most sustainable garment is what we already own.
Video-Inspiration by Stefan Lindemann aka Doctor Fashion
08.04.21 9:00 pm
End of day: Meet & Greet @Salon GREEN(style)
Hop over to @clubhouse to meet hosts, partners, participants and all other Game Changers
***Day #2 – 9.4.2021*** 4 pm to 8 pm
09.04.21 4:00 pm
Welcome to Day 2: GREENSTYLE +++ (Responsible) Fashion Summit +++
Opening words: Mirjam Smend | Founder GREENSTYLE munich
Learnings from day 1 and Insights of day 2

09.04.21 4:05 pm
Eco on the High Street? *by Neonyt
What role do eco brands play in the market today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?
Moderation: Thimo Schwenzfeier | Showdirector NEONYT, Messe Frankfurt
Guests: Pelin Semen | Ludwig Beck and Felix Mey | LangerChen
09.04.21 4:35 pm
Germany, fashion country?
Wage dumping and mass production vs. innovation and sustainability – the status report on Europe’s second largest fashion location
Keynote: Scott Lipinski | Fashion Council Germany
09.04.21 4:50 pm
The Future of Fashion goes Frankfurt
Digitization and sustainability as main topics of Frankfurt Fashion Week in July 2021. Pssst: Say “hi” to GREENSTYLE @ Frankfurt Fashion Week
Keynote: Olaf Schmidt | Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt

09.04.21 5:05 pm
How to make a Difference
Treedom founder Federico Garcea talking about change, real trees and your chance to let the GREENSTYLE forest. wachsen zu lassen. Participate here and win trees!
Keynote: Federico Garcea | founder Treedom
09.04.21 5:20 pm
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Nothing changes if we don’t change. How can we outsmart ourselves and break out of habits and behavior patterns?
Moderation: Susanne Barta
Guest: Prof. Kurt Kotrschal
09.04.21 5:35 pm
Better Work. Better Business. *by Wildling Shoes
Rethink organizational and work culture. What is the new world of work and how can we learn it?
Moderation: Lisa Jaspers | Founder Folkdays and Autorin “Starting a Revolution”
Guest: Anna Yona | Founder Wildling Shoes
09.04.21 5:55 pm
Designing with identity.
The intersection of fashion x culture.
Moderation: Kim Gerlach
Guests: Buki Akomolafe | Buki Akomolafe, Isa Konga | Yoga Konga, Bahhareh Karimi | IMAIMA
09.04.21 6:35 pm
How to fix the Planet
Why is everyone mad for mending?
And why is it so important?
Keynote by Kate Sekules | Author “MEND! A Refashioning Manual and Manifesto”
Make an appointment at Dr. Mend’s surgery for your sick or injured garment. Register for workshop „Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery”. Registration >>>

09.04.21 6:45 pm
URBAN Outdoor – the new hype
The pandemic as an outdoor booster: Everything about new fashion, natural materials and their sustainability factor.
Moderation: Kim Scholze | Chief Sustainable Community Manager Sympatex
Guests: Miriam van der Ham | mvdham, Claudia Hofmann | Claudia Hofmann Studio
09.04.21 7:20 pm
Back to Nature: Hello, Hemp!
How the forgotten resource hemp conquers the fashion stage. Two experts on their concepts.
Moderation: Susanne Barta
Guests: Christine Ladstätter | Salewa, Barbara Trenti | Bad Seeds Company
09.04.21 7:40 pm
Closing Words
See you soon. Save the Date for GREENSTYLE @ Frankfurt Fashion Week: 9.-11.7.21

10.04.21 4:00 pm
Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery
WORKSHOP by Kate Sekules | Author “MEND! A Refashioning Manual and Manifesto”
Make an appointment at Dr. Mend’s surgery for your sick or injured garment. Register for workshop „Mend! More is More –The Mending Surgery”. Registration >>>