In addition to the iconic design language, the Munich brand Elemente Clemente consistently relies on certified production facilities, a minimized CO2 footprint, organic or recycled materials and innovative dyeing methods such as plant and mineral dyeing. And that since 2002.
Continue readingGrenz/gang – inspired by nature and the alps
Values. That’s what it’s all about when you talk to the team at the Slow & Organic label Grenz/gang. Values must be rediscovered. And values have to be (again) redefined. The collections of the label founded in 2014, which are inspired by nature and the South Tyrolean mountains, express this with every piece of clothing.
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From an initial feeling and the unconditional knowledge that the right time for change is always NOW, Vretena was founded in Frankfurt at the end of 2017. With the aim of connecting urbanity and nature through innovation and closing cycles. With their new – extended bio-based capsule collection – the label of the sisters Denica Nikolova and Nona Dokuzova is part of the closed loop pilot project.
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Two sustainable fashion brands with an XL portfolio from fashion to (sexy!) underwear, jeans with contemporary cuts and a swimwear collection (from 2021) – whoever believes that the sustainable commitment of LOVJOI founder Verena Paul-Benz would be exhausted, he is wrong. The visionary Swabian woman’s expansion course is far from over.
Continue readingRoQua – make it yours
Very short? Perfectly fitting clothes, made in Germany – Myriam Chebance, who lives in Munich, has developed her successful made-to-order concept into a contemporary “make it yours” concept. No overproduction, no delivery routes, no bad purchases. And no compromise.
Continue reading3IN1 Coat by akjumii – support now
The two akjumii designers have continuously optimized their claim to fair and sustainably produced slow fashion over the past few years. With the launch of the 3IN1 COAT, they have created a clever key piece that consists of a vest and jacket that work as a coat and, thanks to various add-ons, follow every trend.
Continue readingwunderwerk – 100% nature, 150 % style
With his extra high demands on sustainability, wunderwerk founder Heiko Wunder does not always have it easy. It’s not about “easy” either. He wants to optimize what can be optimized and therefore for his brand, founded in 2013, consistently refrains from anything that harms people, animals or nature. The result? Sustainable style that easily plays in the big leagues.
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Since 2012, the two akjumii designers Anna Karsch and Michaela Wunderl-Strojny have been focusing on sustainable high fashion with an avant-garde touch. What else could be optimized about it? With the 3IN1COAT, the visionaries have developed the ultimate sustainable garment.
Continue readingLANA
“We are in an exciting time of upheaval. Both in the fashion industry in general and with the realignment of the Lana line in particular.
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The fact that eco-fashion is as sustainable as possible, but has to look like it 0.0, is largely due to the commitment of Claudia Lanius.
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Was aussieht wie eine inspirierende Reise durch die farbenfrohen Märkte und Landschaften Marokkos, stammt eigentlich aus Wien. Denn hier haben Alexandra, Sophie und Stephanie – auch bekannt als TATA girls – 2017 ihr Label Tassel Tales gegründet. Und was mit einer frech-fröhlichen Quaste begann, ist heute ein ausgewachsenes Ready-to-Wear- und Yoga-Label, das mit seinen intensiven Gute-Laune-Farben und der herrlich entspannten Bohemian Elegance auch den Fashion-verwöhnten Redakteurinnen der großen Magazine den Kopf verdreht.
Unter dem Motto designed in Wien – made in Marokko (oder Indien) lassen die TATA girls inspiriert von ihrer eigenen Reiselust, ihrem Faible für Yoga und ihrem Bewusstsein für Umwelt und Fairness ihre fröhlichen Boho-Kleider, Basttaschen und Quasten für fairen Lohn in Frauen-Kollektiven und Behinderten-Werkstätten produzieren. Sorry, aber wer auf farbloses Grau und dezentes Nude setzt, ist hier nicht richtig beraten.

„Kindness is so gangsta“ – Tassel Tales
Denn hier geht es um Allover-Prints und Farbe. Ganz viel Farbe. Fröhlich bunt wippen die ikonischen Quasten auf handgefertigten Babouchen aus Seide und chromfreiem Leder mit den maximal-entspannten Boho-Kleidern aus Ahimsa-Seide um die Wette. Denn gewaltlose Seide ist bei Tassel Tales genauso ein Muss wie die GOTS-Zertifizierung der verwendeten Materialien.
Erweitert haben die Drei ihr Gute-Laune-Angebot um Jeansjacken. Für dieses Upcycling-Projekt arbeiten die Tassel-Tales-Gründerinnen mit kunstvollen Vintage-Teppichen, die jedes Stück zum zeitlosen Unikat machen. Sieht mega aus, macht aber die Entscheidung schwer…
Can you feel the GOOD VIBES? Ja, Mode mit Seele fühlt sich eben anders an…
More about Tassel Tales. Click here
Me & May
What started by chance, because Mathilde Feuillet and Melissa Knorr sewed just for the fun of it, became a real label in 2011. Me & May was given a name and a studio including a small shop on Alramstrasse in Munich.
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