The Future of Fashion: Promoting circular economy

circular economy

The Future of Fashion conference at the Swedish Embassy to kick off the winter edition of Berlin Fashion Week is a must. Always in partnership with the hessnatur foundation. Always with a contemporary program, exciting speakers and inspiring insights into the topic of sustainability (not only) in Sweden.

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Sustainable Fashion Fairs. Next edition.

Nachhaltige Modemessen

After (fashion) trade fairs were declared superfluous and outdated during the pandemic (“after all, you can depict everything digitally”), the “post-pandemic” restart on the floor showed: No. It just doesn’t work that well digitally. Fashion is clearly linked to haptics. With fits. With emotions. Not to mention the personal contact that many (all of us!) missed. Means: The fairs are not gone. On the contrary.

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AFORA world – unisex from berlin

Afora world

Christine Metz is not a blank slate in fashion. She is a trained clothing technician and fashion tailor, studied fashion design at AMD in Berlin and gained professional experience at Berlin brands such as Liebeskind and Lala Berlin. After 13 years in the industry, she founded the label she has always dreamed of: fair, sustainable, transparent and minimalist.

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