Only bad news are good news? Nope. There is definitely enough bad news. GREENSTYLE munich is about good news. From the sustainable fashion scene. After all, we want to change something. And that only works if we look ahead. Together. Whoever is mentioned here does it better. That is why there is news from GREENSTYLE Brands, the sustainable (blogger) community and activists. Enjoy!


The industry is on the move. After all, we want to change something. And that only works together.


Good news: The Eco Community is growing continuously. And it is characterized by great solidarity. How is that possible? Everyone has the same goal: change. And to make it happen, books are written, exhibitions are organized, movements are started … Join now!


The big goal of the fair fashion movement? Change. Respectful production conditions. But nothing changes on its own. This requires game changers, who move out of their comfort zone, to draw attention to topics. And it is precisely these people and their actions that we present here.


Award winners, exciting promotions, smart innovations, cooperations – this is about news from our GREENSTYLE brands.