Sepideh Ahadi has wanted to become a fashion designer since she was ten years old. She started her brand with the desire to produce affordable but high-quality and sustainable fashion. Transparent production in Europe, small quantities, organic and natural fabrics such as organic cotton, recycled wool, linen and tencel or deadstock are part of her sustainability philosophy. Additionally, materials such as leather, fur and feathers are not processed.
Part of her work: fabric remnants and zero waste patterns.
Erklärtes ästhetisches Ziel ihrer Arbeit: Einfachheit. In ihren Kollektionen verbinden sich Handwerkstechniken aus ihrer Heimat Iran. Sie kombiniert diese mit der Eleganz Italiens, wo sie ihren Master in Mode Design gemacht hat und dem Pragmatismus Berlins, wo sie gerade lebt und arbeitet. Wie lange sie dortbleiben wird? Steht in den Sternen. Denn das Verlassen der Komfortzone hat Sepideh Ahadi par excellence professionalisiert. Sie liebt es bei Null anzufangen um sich selbst zu testen und ihrer Arbeit eine Relevanz zu geben. Umzüge und das Einleben in neue Kulturen bieten sich geradezu an.
The declared aesthetic goal of her work: simplicity. Her collections combine craftmanship from her native country, Iran with the elegance of Italy – where she received her Master in Fashion Design – and the pragmatism of Berlin, where she currently lives and works. How long will she stay in Berlin? It’s written in the stars. Because Sepideh Ahadi has become a professional at leaving her comfort zone. She loves to start from scratch to test herself and give her work relevance. Relocations and settling into new cultures are just what she likes.
Sepideh Ahadi – using traditional techniques against the mentality of disposability in the fashion industry.
Gut zu wissen: Sepideh Ahadi ist Mitglied von Fashion Revolution Iran. Sie war 2019 eine der zehn Finalistinnen des German Sustain Concept des Fashion Council Germany. Im gleichen Jahr hat sie einen eigenen Shop in Berlin eröffnet.
Good to know: Sepideh Ahadi is a member of Fashion Revolution Iran. She was one of the ten finalists of the German Sustain Concept of the Fashion Council Germany in 2019. In the same year she opened her shop in Berlin.
More about Sepideh Ahadi. Click here