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CEO GENE – sustainable Businesswear

Tanja Kosar has worked as a project manager in the automotive industry for a long time and knows about the difficulties associated with a sustainable business wardrobe. That is why she founded her platform CEO GENE in 2019, on which she makes sustainably produced office outfits and accessories for small newcomer designers publicly and easily accessible.

Even if Tanja actually comes from the automotive industry – the Böblingen native is still a fashion professional. She became interested in this topic at an early age and has expressed her passion for the subject as a fashion blogger since 2008 during her studies. This was followed by fashion shows with well-known designers, insights behind the scenes and, finally, her urgent desire to change something and fill a gap.

Constantly changing trends, numerous seasonal changes per year, increasing consumer demand with simultaneous loss of appreciation and quality standards, production costs that are below the minimum wage – Tanja Kosar rejects all of this. That is why she founded a platform for sustainable business fashion with CEO GENE in August 2019, which gives young designers more visibility and at the same time gives women the opportunity to have a stylish and sustainable career.

Minimalistic. Sustainable. Nice. Sustainable. That’s how business fashion works too.

That is why Tanja Kosar curates the brands she shows according to the following criteria: timeless cuts that never go out of style and can be combined into a capsule wardrobe. Produced under fair conditions exclusively from sustainable resources from organic cotton to innovative materials such as lyocel and cork. Only those who meet the (publicly accessible!) Catalog of criteria drawn up by CEO GENE can apply for placement on the portal.

© MilaVert
© Filanda No. 18
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The more often something is worn, the more the entire production has paid off.

The brands represented on CEO GENE can answer the question “who made my clothes”, which means transparency along the supply chain, at any time. Because one of the ambitious founder’s demands is to make the supply chain comprehensible for her customers so that they know who sewed the product, what it is made of and what the factory in which it was produced looks like. If you want to find out more: CEO GENE explains in the sustainability index about the materials used, from SeaCell to Peace Silk.

Blazers, pants, dresses, blouses, clutches – explicitly selected collections by sustainable newcomer designers such as Nina Rein, Friends That Rhyme and ShipSheip – this is how business fashion works today.

Tanja Kosar, mother of two children and successful business woman, wants to motivate women and encourage them to believe in their abilities. With innovative, minimalist and timeless fashion, Tanja Kosar gives women a good feeling and ensures that she is positive for people, animals and the environment at the same time.

CEO GENE is the career gene that we all carry within us. We women just need the courage to trigger it. We can achieve anything if we just want to. Tanja Kosar

CEO GENE is more than a marketplace

But CEO GENE is much more than a marketplace for sustainable business wear. CEO GENE ensures the visibility of sustainable newcomer designers in the business fashion segment and promotes the networking of the community through various events. A blog is also part of the concept: Here there are career tips, reports on eco-lifestyle and new products are presented.

Good to know: CEO GENE is committed to the well-being of women and supports UN Women Germany with two percent of the monthly turnover.

More about CEO GENE. Click here

© Header: 2 x SIPSHEIP, Nina Rein und MILA.VERT