4 years – four cities. Exactly four years ago we organized the first GREENSTYLE in Munich’s Haus der Kunst. Four years later, our event series took place in four cities. Makes us a little bit proud. A journey through time with our GREENSTYLE campaigns

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Dress up. Slow down. This is how fashion works now.

Dress up. Slow down.

Rent instead of buy. Second instead of first hand. These are the topics that are currently being discussed a lot when it comes to how to change the fashion industry. How to relieve the environment. It goes without saying that we picked up these topics for the fashion spread in our PUREVIU magazine.

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Fashion is for every BODY

every BODY

Crackling (attention: background noise!) multicolored jackets, a striking unisex tuxedo in pink, flowing trousers that disregard all the rules of minimalism – fashion designers from Switzerland make themselves heard. With sustainable fashion that is anything but quiet, but for every BODY.

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