Rah Rah Studio produces objects with a clever twist. All projects focus on material and technology as Afra Hackel is an industrial designer with passion. She wanted to produce chains made of porcelain; however, the industrial designer is experimental decided on bioplastics. It is much lighter and more sustainable.
Rah Rah Studio – Made from vegetable starch and lactic acid, it is food-safe and biodegradable.
Erhältlich sind die stylischen Bio-Accessoires als XL-Gliederkette mit maximalem Eyecatcher-Faktor genauso wie als feingliedrige Brillenketten, die Nicht-Brillenträger neidisch machen. Gut zu wissen: Die federleichten Glieder lassen sich einzeln herausnehmen. Die Ketten sind in unterschiedlichen Längen erhältlich.
The stylish organic accessories are available as XL-link chains with a large eye-catching factor as well as delicate chains for glasses that make non-glasses wearers jealous. Good to know: The feather-light links can be removed individually. The chains are available in different lengths.
Made in Berlin with renewable energy.
Gedruckt werden die Statement-Teile auf Bestellung im Berliner Studio mit PLA von 3dk, einem Berliner Zulieferer für umweltfreundliches 3D-Druckmaterial. Das verhindert Überproduktion und hält die Lieferwege kurz. Klar, dass ihre Drucker mit erneuerbarer Energie betrieben werden.
The parts are printed to order in the Berlin studio with PLA from 3dk, a Berlin-based supplier of environmentally friendly 3D printing material. This prevents overproduction and keeps delivery routes short. It goes without saying that their printers are powered by renewable energy.
More about Rah Rah Studio. Click here