Thomas Aichner

Thomas Aichner
Thomas Aichner

Thomas Aichner first lived out his love for the mountains as a professional snowboarder. He can now fully apply his enthusiasm for mountain sports – from climbing to demanding ski tours – to his professional life. Since October 2018, he has been Marketing Director of the mountain sports equipment expert Salewa. Before, he worked in tourism marketing for many years. Among others with Tirol Advertising, South Tyrolean Marketing Society, Marketing Society Merano and IDM South Tyrol. Social and environmental responsibility is very important to Salewa. “The mountain world is not only the space in which our customers and we like to move. It is also our home. As mountain sports enthusiasts, we therefore feel it is our duty to keep the impact on our environment and our carbon footprint as small as possible,” reads the website. Thomas Aichner will talk about how Salewa does this in concrete terms at the GREENSTYLE conference.

Georg Kaser

Georg Kaser
Georg Kaser

When asked whether he is optimistic or pessimistic about the future of our planet’s climate, Georg Kaser answers simply and clearly that it is no longer a question of asking this question, but only of doing something. And he is doing something now. Georg Kaser is Professor of Climate and Cryosphere Research and currently Dean of the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Innsbruck. He contributed to the 4th and 5th Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and is now also active in the current 6th reporting cycle. The professor is considered one of the most influential climate researchers worldwide. He thinks the “Fridays for Future” movement is great, both as a scientist and as an individual. He will talk about what needs to be done. What each one of us can do to get this under control.