Don’t miss it:
What: Footprint Sustainability Conference
When: 9.7.2020, 10-11:30 a.m.
How: Register here >>>
How can we reduce our footprint? By rethinking and changing our behavioral patterns. Self-reflection is the key to a more sustainable future. With the app, the founders want to help people make more sustainable decisions.
With Footprint, we want to help people make more sustainable decisions
They include stories from international game changers on their accompanying website as part of the “Ecopreneur Stories”, who are committed to a more sustainable future. We are very honored by the teasers, where you can learn more about “leading Ecopreneurs around the world”, as Mirjam Smend was one of the first participants. The fact that Mirjam talked about sustainable fashion should come as no surprise. You can find her insight here >>>
Learn more about the perspectives of people who want to change the world.

In the meantime, some exciting portraits can be found on the recently released platform. Besides Magdalena Muttenthaler, founder of Freeminded Folks and co-director of the Founder Institute Munich, interesting founders voice their perspectives on a wide range of topics, from sustainable travel to sustainable coaching, just to name a few.
Save the Date: From local action to global impact
On July 9th, 2020 from 10-11:30 a.m. the two game changers from Munich have planned a sustainability conference. Experts from all over the world will talk about how to combine local impact, opportunities for change and impact on a global level. After all, our behavior not only influences our immediate environment, but also has a global impact.
Get your tickets now >>>With footprint, Munich-based makers Sebastian Gier and Daniel Scholz are planning an app to help people make more sustainable decisions.