This is why it is important that Fashion Revolution 2020 takes place. Big. Loud. Digital. And with the call for the relevant fashion brands to take responsibility and pay outstanding payments to protect workers within the supply chain.
***Current dates***
Further down the page

Although Fashion Revolution calls for an end to over-consumption, it is clear that the worst-paid people in the fashion supply chain will be hit hardest in the face of the Corona-related production stop.
In around 1,089 clothing factories, orders worth around 1.5 billion US dollars were cancelled due to the outbreak of the corona virus. Many factories were closed indefinitely. Millions have already lost their jobs due to the virus. Some workers received less than one month’s salary in severance. Many others have received nothing at all.

What kind of world do we want to see after the end of this crisis?
If we do nothing, the fashion industry will simply go back to business as usual when it’s all over. Even if we are behind closed doors, social distancing is the order of the day: we can still use our voice to ask #WhoMadeMyClothes and urge fashion brands to take responsibility, make payments on loans and fulfil orders placed, to protect workers in their supply chain as much as their own employees, especially during the current global crisis.
#whomademyclothes. Be part of Fashion Revolution 2020
Turn your clothes inside out, show your label and shoot a selfie during the week of April 20th to 26th. Then post the image on Instagram: Tag the appropriate label and ask the question #WhoMadeMyClothes. Some labels react to this. And the answer should be very exciting!
Learn more on the Fashion Revolution Website
© Header: Fashion Revolution by Sustainable Fashion Matterz, Andrea Heinsohn
During the Fashion Revolution Week the biggest swap party would have happened. Unfortunately, due to the crisis this won’t work Our tip: Read the #HAULTERNATIVE Guide now and get tips for all future swaps. See more >>>
7 pm
Instagram Live Talk
Eco-fair denim production? Yes, it’s possible. A conversation with the makers of DAWN Denim and Ariane Piper from Fashion Revolution Germany about Open Factory Days, the Fair Wear Foundation and production in Saigon.
Follow us now: @fashrev_de @dawndenim
Insta Takeover by Fashion Revolution Hamburg
After last year’s large protests, the Hamburg revolutionaries had a lot planned for this year. On 22.4. they are taking over the German Fashion Revolution Instagram account.
© Lena Scherer
3:00-3:30 pm
Reading: “Simply Attractive”
Ulrike Biller, Fashion Revolution Ambassador in Leipzig, presents the book “Einfach Anziehend” (simply attractive), the guide for all those who are tired of disposable fashion, by Kirsten Brodde and Alf-Tobias Zahn. Here is how you get to the Facebook event and the reading sample.
2 pm
Insta-Live: Ready to go! Moving shoes…
In the special exhibition of the Munich City Museum, the history of shoes and their significance for society is shown. The subject of production and, in particular, socially and ecologically sustainable aspects of shoe manufacturing play an important role. On Fashion Revolution Day, Georgina Phillips (Orte des Wandels) and Samira Nilius (be awear) will provide insights into this important topic in an Instagram Live broadcast directly from the Stadtmuseum, which could not be more relevant at a time of a global pandemic. Special guest is Sebastian Thies, founder of nat-2 and master of sustainable shoe innovations.
© Stadtmuseum München
3 pm
Fashion 4 Change – digital tour
Alexandra Achenbach (livelifegreen) and Samira Nilius (be awear) take a virtual tour through Munich’s fair fashion scene: We visit various players who are committed to social and ecological justice in the textile industry with their label, blog, concept store or other ideas.
Live contribution and stories on Instagram at @livelifegreen

3 pm
Instagram Live interview and book launch
Marie Schwimmer (FairFashionLab Leipzig) and Vreni Jäckle (FashionChangers, Berlin) present the book “Fashion Changers – How we can change the world with fair fashion”. To participate: FairFashionLab Leipzig and be on Instagram from 3pm.