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Instagram Live Tour
When: 10 June 2020 at 17.00
Where: @staatlichemuseenzuberlin
Fast Fashion
How much water does a cotton shirt need? Where do the toxins produced when dyeing a conventional garment go? Under what conditions do producers work locally in countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia when a shirt costs only 5 Euros? The exhibition “Fast Fashion. The Dark Sides of Fashion” brings to light the “fashion sins” of cheaply produced clothing, explains how the global fast fashion industry works and how producers and consumers are connected.
Slow Fashion
Another range of topics is dedicated to the Slow Fashion movement, which has formed in recent years as a counter-movement. The Berlin scene, which deals with eco-fair production of clothing, will be illuminated and Berlin pioneers of fair and sustainable fashion will have their say. They will provide insight into their work and visions and what they consider fair and sustainable fashion – from environmentally friendly upcycling and fair production conditions to garments made of certified fabrics and clothes-swapping parties.
The Trailer for Fast Fashion: The Dark Sides of Fashion
Sustainable labels not only from Berlin can be found gibt’s hier
Lead story: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum Europäischer Kulturen / David von Becke